Lilypie Third Birthday tickers

Thursday, May 14, 2009

The Best Baby Ever

Quinn is down for his first nap of the day. As I walked back downstairs, I started thinking about how incredibly lucky and blessed I am to have Quinn. And I mean Quinn specifically; not just a child. I know that sounds a bit strange, but I do not know a better way to say it. Please read this as me reflecting, not bragging...I really do have the best baby ever. I love that Quinn LOVES to go to sleep. He likes little fuss over the going-to-bed or taking-a-nap routine. Just lay him down and he rolls towards the wall and grabs Sammy all in one motion. By the time I close the door, he's asleep. Not in one instance do I remember him ever fighting me to stay up. I also love that Quinn LOVES to wake up. He is all smiles and never grumpy; even when I have to wake him to go somewhere. It makes me silly happy to walk in his room and see him sitting up (sometimes standing) waiting for me to come get him. He starts rubbing his feet together like he's trying to start a fire and lets out a long "hhhheeeeyyyyy." I know he can not talk yet, but it sounds like the child says "hey" every time! I love that Quinn LOVES to eat and that he can sign it. He giggles and sighs when he sees me get a bib and washcloth or when I go to the cabinet that houses his bowls, spoons, and sippy cups. Never have we fought over what food I feed him or how much I give him. He just eats it all. Q definitely has his favorites and even really dislikes one specific meal- squash and corn with chicken. But he eats it. I love that Quinn LOVES to ride in the car, in the stroller, and in the wagon. I love that Quinn LOVES to play by himself on the floor and I especially love that he sometimes crawls to me and tugs on my pants- as if he's asking me to come play with him. I love that Quinn LOVES to watch Baby Einstein and that he giggles at the puppets. I love that Quinn doesn't really pay attention to cartoons until a song starts. Then he stops what he's doing to listen and watch. Song over, play resumes. I love that Quinn LOVES seeing his dad walk through the door in the evening. That's one of those times when the feet get going trying to start that fire! I love that Quinn LOVES going to Gymboree and that he crawls to ALL the other moms and sits in their laps. I could go on and on. I just plain love Quinn.


Keri Mason said...

So precious...God knows just what we all need, doesn't He? He is the best family creator, whether from the womb or from the other side of the world. All praise and glory be to Him for the blessing of family!

Cindy said...

Sweetest Mommy post EVER! I heart you, Ben and Quinn.